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5 Questions to Help You Identify Your Writing Goals

Everyone has a message inside them, and we are here to say: your message is worth sharing. But how? Should you write a blog? Should you write a book? Should you publish it? If so, how? There’s no single right answer. This all depends on your goals. Here are some key questions to help you identify them and choose the right path for you.

1. You may write to process your experiences, thoughts, and emotions. But if you’re going to publish, your writing is no longer for you—it provides a service to your reader, and it’s open to public scrutiny. Not all writing is a fit for publishing.

2. How many people do you hope to reach? Self-publishing is perfect for reaching your personal and professional network—whether it’s telling your story for your friends or handing your book to clients like a business card. If you hope to reach a wider audience, you’ll need a comprehensive plan.

3. Have you heard the quote, “If you build it, they will come?” That’s NOT how writing a book works. Many of our authors say their book project is the hardest thing they’ve ever done. Beyond the months and months of labor-intensive writing, marketing your book requires even more. Self or assisted self-publishing will require the lowest investment, while hybrid or traditional publishers will require much more of you—in time, money, and mental/emotional effort.

4. Some authors get a home run on their first book, but it’s rare. Most authors hit their stride by their third book. That’s when they typically start making a return on their investment and seeing their platform take off. Many publishers look for authors they can see reaching that critical point.

5. You won’t be able to do everything at once—it’s helpful to envision how your goals fit together. Do you want to write a book that funnels back into your business? Strengthens your brand? Expands your audience? Could you see yourself becoming a full-time fiction writer? Giving trainings and speaking events? If so, these are all options that could build your book platform for impact and income.

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